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Maybe I know what to do after Cricut...

and many of you may wonder why do you have to? No one is telling me what to so but I am changing and I want a simpler business focus that allows me to still have my paper crafting business but in a slower more relaxed pace.

I have wavered between Stampin' Up! and Close to My Heart several times over the past few years (ya ya I bet you have noticed!) I love sharing family memories in scrapbooks and CTMH is the best for that. I am a matchy matchy girl and I love that everything goes together so well. BUT, I really had my roots in Stampin' Up! It is where more of my friends were and I loved the Stampin' Up! tools, stamps and inks. So many have been so sad about CTMH closing their doors but selfishly I am so happy to have both of my loves combined now. Stampin' Up! has picked up the fantastic CTMH Scrapbook Workshops and will add scrapbook themed stamp sets and even the two toned cardstock from CTMH that I love. All of this comes at a time that we are changing our lifestyle to spending my summers in our camper at the lake. I have been trying to leave my Cricut behind and paper craft in a less techy way. It is all falling into place for me and I am feeling so relieved and excited about the summer crafting.

I decided to just follow the workshop instructions step by step and see if I could help you do the same. They do appear complicated but I think if we walk thru them together, we will love the way our layouts look!

Let's take a peek at a Workshop

Step by step following the detailed cutting guide

and then starting to put together Layout 1


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